Help with adding new drive to EX2

I just ordered a 3TB WD Red from Amazon to put into my WD EX2 at home. I currently have a 2TB WD Red in there now. I’ve used about 1TB of space already. My question is this:

Will I have to do anything special in terms of making sure that the new drive installs correctly? I would like to have both drives be read as one massive 5TB drive but I’m worried that I will have to format my existing drive and erase all of my data first. Is this the case or will I everything be fine?


Hi, unfortunately what you are trying it will not work, the RAID modes in the EX 2 need to have same size drives, you will need to have them in JBOD. You will need to make sure that you select which volume you are creating the shares.

Ok so if I leave the RAID configuration as JBOD, will I run into any issues?


Kyle Jones

You shouldn’t have any issues with different drive size in JBOD.