Error 0x80070035 NAS WdMyCloudEX2Ultra - Win 10

Hello I have just bought a WDmycloudex2ultra I configure it like my other NAs a WDmycloudex4100. However, I cannot connect to it, I have an error message 0x80070035 (windows 10). I followed the steps to fix this error but it doesn’t work. Small clarification I can connect to the NAS in FTP but it is not the best solution for me … Thank you for your help
thank you

Try changing the Windows Protocol in OS 5 per the KBA listed below.

I try it

I followed the steps of the two links it still does not work

I come back to what I said for some reason I do not know I can instantly connect to my shared folders !!!

For everybody else looking for more help. I try everything on the help page and it did not work. But Changing the value for AllowInsecureGuestAuth in the reg edit worked for my.

Here is a good tutorial, with this trick and many more: