Delete SD Photos

I have a WD Wireless My Passport mobile storage device. How do you delete selected photos which have been downloaded into the SD Card Folder?
These photos have been downloaded from my SD camera card. I do not wish to delete the photos on this card.

Welcome to the WD Community.

My recommendation on this case to make sure that you dont erase the files by mistake, is to remove the SD Card from the drive and locate the sd card folder to remove the files.

Specifically, how do I remove files and folders from the wireless passport? I have tried swiping, deleting. Downloading to the trash bin but the files remain on the drive. I am talking about JPEG files for the most part. 

Please ses give step by step instructions: I am probably doing something wrong. Thanks 

I have the same questions…getting very frustrated. I’d like to delete specific photos stored on my passport wireless. I’ve printed and read the user manual. Any help would be appreciated

dheeney, did you ever find out how to delete the files on the My Passport Wireless? I’ve downloaded them onto my pc, now I want to wipe the Passport clean. Thank you

If you want to wipe the MPW drive clean, you can connect the drive to a PC and reformat the drive. This will clean everything on the drive.

If you want to delete individual file/folder that is stored in the MPW’s drive image, you can do this from the My Cloud mobile app while the MPW is in Wi-Fi mode. OR, you can connect the MPW to a computer so it acts like a regular direct attached storage and from there you can delete files via the File Explorer.

Thank you, jchen. Will try this.