Default Port Number

Is there a way to change the default FTP port number?

I would like to change the default FTP port number to something in the 8100 or greater range for security reasons. 

FTP regardless of TCP port used, which yes, it can be change, will not be secured. All traffic will still flow in clear text.

If security is a concern, you are better setting SSH and using SCP/SFTP for secure access. And yes it can be change.

However, if you ask me, no need to set FTP or SSH to a different server, instead, listen on a different port on router and forward to actual port.

Example: Router to internet uses port 2222 (WAN) and forwards connections to MBL on 22 (LAN)

I highly suggest you just have you router listen for your desired port number and then forward it to port 21 but if you absolutely need to change the port number the instructions are provided below keep in mind that tinkering with the MBL via SSH can void your warrenty and brick your device I am not responsible for anything you do.

First login to the devices web page and make certain that ftp is enabled.

Now the file your looking for is /etc/vsftpd.conf

use the following command in Putty.

nano /etc/vsftpd.conf

 The third line should read  â€ślisten_port=21” change 21 to your desired port number 

 hit Ctrl+O to save

 hit Enter to confirm

 Hit Ctrl+X to exit

and reboot the device.


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also as Shabuboy medtioned if security is a concern you probably shouldn’t be using ftp to begin with use ssh or sftp.



vicron wrote:

Glad I could help :slight_smile: