Dead diode help

Hi, I am totally new in this era, that’s why I would like to ask your help.

So I have a dead HDD, wd red. Doesn’t spin doesn’t do anything. I took apart and started to measurements on the pcb. I measured a few diodes and the BIOS chip chip too, what seems good, (marked green) but I found one what I didn’t get any numbers(marked red).

If it’s that is the dead one is this the correct one what I can replace? (s43)

Thank you so much for your help :slight_smile:

You are mangling the terminology.

Can you start by giving us the part number of the PCB? (2060-nnnnnn or 0Bnnnnn or 0Annnnn)

What resistance readings did you get for the good diodes?

Did you test the tiny fuses near the diodes?

BTW, your Mouser diode is a Schottky rectifier, not a TVS diode.

The 6-pin component appears to be a MOSFET.

The number is: 2060-800077-003 rev2

.103 on the “good” diods

.105 the fuses