Does the Dashboard not provide a username/password to Twonky or is there something else I do wrong?
Twonky is poorly integrated into MyCloud*. If you set a username and password for Twonky, the Dashboard cannot access Twonky to obtain media library status information: hence the error 401. Twonky should still work, but you will have to use the Twonky UI to get information about the Twonky server. Not a great loss as far as I can see.
The Twonky username and password are completely unrelated to the Dashboard usernames and passwords.
* see the important note on that FAQ:
If the drive being used is not listed in the table below, it does not include the Twonky Media Server feature.
The Twonky UI port 9000 provided by the WD device is to allow end users to verify if the Twonky service is active or not. Any modifications to the share settings using the Twonky service UI are not supported by WD. Please be aware that WD NAS UI settings takes precedence over the Twonky UI settings."