Connecting to My Cloud Home Duo with Ubuntu

I’m trying to connect to My Cloud Home Duo from my PC, with Ubuntu 18.04.

I open Nautilus and find easily My Cloud.

I click on My Cloud. A window open, inviting me to enter my username and password.

I enter my username and password, but then I have this error message: “An invalid username was provided”

Do I use the wrong username? I tried my full name, my email address, the name associated with my storage on the “settings” page on

Thanks for your help


The My Cloud Home is not a traditional NAS. The only way to access the private user space as a drive on a computer you will have to install WD discovery. WD discovery will mount the private user space as a drive on the computer. Unfortunately WD Discovery is only available for Windows and Mac.

On a Linux machine the only way to access the private user space of the My Cloud Home would be using web browser access via

There is also a default Public SMB share that can be used like other SMB shares. This is a default public share and there are no access controls and anything stored in the public share will not show up under the private user space and vise versa.


I apologize to revive this topic, but I’ve just published a FUSE filesystem to access the MCH devices from Linux. The project is open source and available at GitHub - mnencia/mchfuse: Western Digital My Cloud Home FUSE file system

I would appreciate any comment on that.


Hi there,

thanks a lot for doing this! I’ve installed the program but now I’m stuck on ‘Quick Start’.
Is all of this:

cat > mchfuse.conf < ‘EOF’
username = EMAIL
password = PASSWORD

chmod 600 mchfuse.conf

mchfuse -c mchfuse.conf DEVICE_NAME[:device/path] /mount/point &

meant to be put into the terminal? When I try to paste it into the terminal I get the error message **

bash: EOF: No such file or directory

When I enter my username and password manually into the mchfuse.conf file and then enter the last command into the terminal I get

Error: Near line 1 (last key parsed ‘username’): expected value but found “[my Email adress but only up to (not including) the @ symbol]” instead

I’m not much of an expert with Linux yet, so apologies if these questions are a little basic.
Thanks again for doing this! I’ve been meaning to do the switch to Linux for quite a while now but not being able to access my WD MyCloud Home (other than via the web interface) is still one of the bigger things holding me back, as I’m quite reliant on it.

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You just found a bug in the documentation. The correct command has two ‘<’

cat > mchfuse.conf << 'EOF'
username = EMAIL
password = PASSWORD

The purpose of this command is to create a file called mchfuse.conf containing

username = EMAIL
password = PASSWORD

where EMAIL and PASSWORD must be replaced with your actual credentials.
The syntax I’ve used is called heredoc

I’m glad you find it useful. Please remember that the software is still experimental and has poor performances handling writes. I’m working to fix it, and I hope to solve the issue soon.


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Ciao Marco,

wow, quick response, you’re awesome!

I’ve gotten a step further now, however when I enter the command

mchfuse -c mchfuse.conf DEVICE_NAME[:device/path] /mount/point &

it does nothing other than go into next line in the terminal and showing a single “>”. I did of course change DEVICE_NAME to the propper name (in fact your script actually showed me the correct device name after I accidentally had a typo in it at first). Do I need to change [:device/path] as well?

NOTE: I should now point out, that I’m currently on a live from USB version of Ubuntu 20.04, as, like I said, I’m still hesitant to fully install Linux right now. If this is the reason why the final command doesn’t do anything, let me know - in that case I would report back, after I properly install Ubuntu :slight_smile:

Thanks again!

Edit: I remembered that I installed Linux on an old laptop that I don’t really use anymore. Tried it all on that one and got exactly as far as with the live USB version on my PC.

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That’s how it is supposed to work. After the command has gone in the background, you should see the filesystem content mounted under the mount path you specified (/mount/point in your example).

If you are not sure if it is working, you can launch it adding the --debug flag and omitting the & at the end of the command. It will remain foreground printing a lot of debugging information while it works.

To terminate it do not use CTRL-C but umount the filesystem instead.

You can totally omit the device path part. In that case, it will mount the root of the device, otherwise it will mount the specified folder inside the device.


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I have updated the documentation. I hope it is now more clear on the mchfuse command arguments meaning.

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Can we also do this with android? Because the official app is not the best idea to manage files.

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In fact, Mnencia has developped in GO language and this language is not available for android.

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Wonderfull !

I’ll publish your method on my blog to share the idea.

Excellent, but it remains some probleme to allows the permission.

Thanks for your good job !

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See the message from Mnencia before talk nonsense :wink:

The word "Impossible is not linux !

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Hi the solution works reat for me owever I have not had any success with moounting the drive by modifying the fstab entry I created. The docuentation notes the following entry to be placed in the fstab.

deviceName[:devicePath] mountpoint fuse.mchfuse noauto,x-systemd.automount,_netdev,allow_other 0 0

my entery
//<IP address of my  MyCloud> media/WDmycloud fuse.mchfuse ,noauto,x-systemd.automount,_netdev,allow_other  0 0

I tried this method and it appers to mount for me however there is a message indicating it does not recognize the devicename or  <IP address of my  MyCloud> speciied  so I then need to then issue the following command from a terminal window and it is then fully mounts and ithen works fine. 
Command line used: mchfuse -c mchfuse.conf "Name of My Cloud Home" /media/WDmycloud -a allow-other

Can you please tell me what needs to be corrected in my current fstab or what parameter is missing?
It does not seem to like the <IP address of my  MyCloud>  or as noted in documentation deviceName[:devicePath] value I am providing in the fstab entry.

Great work by the way mnencia as I have been reearching a solution for linux users past several days and have come up empty for a soltuon on how to get these OS 5 MY Cloud drives to mount like my old OS3 one.  I would think Western Digital would realize the need and be working on a solution for this.


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Mchfuse isn’t needed anymore. With the recent update (v4.25.0 2022/Oct/27) , it is easy to mount MCH on Linux.

  1. Enable Local Network Access through the recently added Dashboard. Pick an username and a password
  2. Mount it on Linux using mount.cifs (i.e. mount.cifs /// / -o username=

Works like a charm on RaspiOS


Thank you for your support, greatful