PLEASE for the love of all that is holy, how do I disable WDMCServerD and WDPHOTODBMERGERD??? Before the latest firmware update I had disabled these services using “/etc/init.d/wdmcserverd stop” then “update-rc.d wdmcserver off”. Now under the new firmware, they are back with a vengance and I CANNOT get rid of them. WDMCSERVERD is currently using between 85-100% of my CPU since the firmware updated last night at 3am. I tried “/etc/init.d/wdmcserverd stop”, the service says its stopping but doesnt. Same for the photomerger. And, update-rc.d is not a command anymore? **bleep**? I have over 7TB of movies and videos on my MyCloud. I do not WANT or NEED the media server or the support. I simply want a NAS that provides storage on my network. All this box does is provide a place for my Plex server to find its media. I even went so far as to rename and remove the executible bit from the wdmcserverd files in /etc/init.d and /usr/local/wdmcserver. After a reboot the files were restored to normal and my HDDs were churning away once again. I’m this close to ripping the drives out of the box and throwing it out of the highest window i can find. PLEASE someone help!
PS – I am also experianceing the problem with Apache where I have ~20 HTTPD processes running. Any idea on that one?
or same for wdmcserverd. or ps -ef | grep photodbmerger to find the PID and kill -9 PID.
I seem to recall the previous update made those two services running dependant on something being enabled in the interface. Maybe the dlna server? I know I stopped using the dlna server on the grounds that it was, imho, crappy. Perhaps that’s why they don’t run on mine.
Worst comes to worst you could always use find . | grep photodbmer to figure out where the elf binary is (compare with echo $PATH) and chmod -x it.
There was some chatter a couple of weeks ago about those deamons starting up and going nuts when a USB Drive was connected. That the case on yours? I haven’t tried connecting a USB to mine since the update.
I’m curious about this lots of apache processes running. I have just 4, but I haven’t set mine up for remote access.
Ive tried to KILL and PKILL the services, they just come right back up after I reboot. I would like them to go away completely, I do not use any of the cloud services this device offers, I have them disabled in the Dashboard. The multiple HTTPD services are starting to become a bigger problem though, last I checked I had 23 running, taking nearly 50% of the CPU. This is causing issues moving files on the drive. Any help?
it looks like the issue with wdmdserver resolved itself, but im still getting a metric **bleep**-ton of HTTPD servces running, plus my drive activity lights have been blinking non-stop since the firware update 2 days ago. The netstat list are all internal hostnames, nothing coming in from outside at all.
Interesting. My NAS is idling along at the moment, but it’s only really ever had 4 or 5 httpd processes running at once.
What I’d be doing is run top again to get the PID of the most active httpd process(es). Then run netstat -n -p | grep [pid] to figure out what that httpd process is talking to. Then repeat the process on the device at the other end of the connection to work out which process is implicated on the other end.
Sometimes browsers will do ‘intereseting’ things like preloading (try to scrape the entire site to make it appear faster). If your browser is trying to preload the site, you will see extra http connections fired up to handle anticipated future connections. Curious to know how you get on.
I seem to recall the previous update made those two services running dependant on something being enabled in the interface. Maybe the dlna server?
Turn off cloud access in general settings. the .wdmc folders contrin thumbnails that the mobile apps use. With no cloud access, the EX4 should stop making the files & folders. But I think you’ll still need to manually delete. Just Find Them & Destroy Them from command line after that.