Cloud Access Connection Error (Error Code: 1002)

Hi, I tried to login WD My Cloudex2 ultra (OS5 and new firmware 5.26.202 - upgrade this morning)
The ‘updating process’ shows “Something went wrong, please check that you have an active Internet connection and try again.” (Error Code: 1002)

The Internet is connected but still cannot connect to Cloud Access.
Please help. Thanks

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Hi @irenjc,

My Cloud OS 5, Home: “Oops something went wrong” When Signing Into Mobile App:My Cloud OS 5, Home: "Oops something went wrong" When Signing Into Mobile App

Please contact the WD Technical Support team for the best assistance and troubleshooting:

It would be great if WDStaff posted a fix, once resolved, to this feed. Seems like a logical thing to do.

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I’m getting this error too after a firmware update, trying to set up Cloud Access which was set up and working perfectly fine until the firmware update.


I am getting the same error 1002 when i try to sign in my admin user on cloud access. I have the Mycloudex2ultra with latest firmware 5.27.161

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The same here. I have the software 5.28.105. No way to login the device into the cloud, 1002 error code. Connected by wire to the router. Additionally the time machine was disabled but this feature I have been able to turn back on.


Anyone found a solution? I experience the exact same problem.