Whenever I try do update my unit, it says that the unit is locked, although I’ve never set any password to it. Any thoughts?
Can you give us some details?
Click on the Apple Icon on the top left of your screen then go to “About This Mac”
We need your MacOS version -----
On the About This Mac window, click on the “System Report” It will open up another window. Go to the USB on the left tab. Click on the USB device of WD product. We need Product ID: and Version.
Also we need to know your Firmware update version
Thank you
MacOS Version: 10.13.2
Product ID: 0x1234
Version: 10.65
Where can I check out the firmware update version?
Thanks for helping!
Version: 10.65 is the latest for the model you have.
To check the firmware update version. Open firmware updater then click on about. It will open a window and in there you will see the FW version or you can go to WD support website to download the latest version.