In the hope to solve the issues I’m having with a My Book Studio II, and to avoid problems with my My Books when upgrading to Yosemite, I’m trying to update the firmware of all my disks.
However, while the release notes in the page say “Mac release (updated 9/24/2014)”, the actual app contained in the zip (date 24 Septermber 2014) is much older (6 December 2013). When running it following all the instructions, the updater app says that the update file is obsolete.
May someone from WD please check this file, and let us know when it is updated?
thanks for your reply but did you get the correct version of the firmware ( (updated 9/24/2014))
If you did, can you indicate the link to it?
I’m sorry, Chris, but I can’t find the answer they sent me. I guess we had a phone talk (I see a message inviting me to rate the assistance), and can’t find a link to download anything. As I said, while trying to solve the issue the drive died, so I had no need to insist.