Can't exit Youtube

I’m using FW 2.01.86 due to the latest one being buggy.  Regardless, does anyone have trouble getting out of the Youtube app?  I can bring up a screen that allows me to “cancel” or “confirm exit”, but regardless of which I choose, it behaves as if I cancelled!  I have to turn the power off then back on again.  Maybe the blue home button works too, but I’m using a programmable remote on one of mine and I can’t emulate that button.  Anyway, that’s beside the point.

Surely this can’t simply be a bug seeing as how even basic usage testing should have uncovered this.  Another problem with Youtube is when coming off pause, the video plays Ok for a few seconds, then the sound goes away and the video behaves strangly.  After 5-10 seconds it’s back to normal again.  

I didn’t see this come up in searches.  I know it’s been said 1000X before, but I’m just shocked at the sad state WD left this thing in.  Unfortunately I don’t know of any other unit that does Netflix and SMB.

Hopefully another User will be able to confirm if the app can be exited by pressing the Home button on the standard remote.

Whenever I use Youtube Leanback, it eventually locks up the box so that the buttons stop working.  This problem has been reported many times and should be considered completely normal…unfortunately.

RMR57 wrote:

Whenever I use Youtube Leanback, it eventually locks up the box so that the buttons stop working.  This problem has been reported many times and should be considered completely normal…unfortunately.


Gotta love it.  A device misbehaves and that’s normal.  Unfortunately I think you’re totally correct based on other experiences I’ve had with this thing.