Have mentioned this probem in another thread but it may be lost by misleading thread title.
I have two WD My Cloud Home devices and am trying to configure the Plex App on both, with no luck.
I’ve followed the step by step guidance but it fails at step 4, when I hit ‘Configure’.
At present, it has created a Plex folder on my drives and I can add files to them which I can ‘point’ plex libraries to see BUT I can’t see the individual drives listed in my Plex Desktop interface.
This basically means that I can only access the files via Plex when I am logged into a WD device (which I can only do so on one at a time as WD doesn’t allow multiple drives), otherwise all of the files show in Plex as ‘Unavailable’.
NB: I already have a Plex Pass account which I have used for many years so am obviously not setting up a new one as part of the process.
Very confused and any help most welcome.