Can't add additional drives to DX400

Hi Guys I bought a DX4000 second hand without any drives. I have four wd 2g red drives I got 2 of them to work using the whitelist method. So working as a raid 1 no problem. So i thought I would then add the 2 additional drives. At firs they cam up as invalid. I then discovered that WD had released a disk enable program that does as the name suggests. So i ran that and now it can see the drives but only as “new drive” and never starts to rebuild the array.
I have tried a reboot but still no luck.
Anyone have a suggestion. Do I need to rebuild the array with the restore disk with all 4 drives present?

No clue. For giggles just add one drive and see if it will migrate then?

yeah tried that. No joy
What a PITA.
do you think it is worth installing the Intel RST driver? Not ideal. Or do you think it would be better to try a restore?

You know the red drives are not recommended for Raid 5 ?
That said if you want to try them I suppose I would try the rebuild option before the RST drivers as they seem to break other stuff.

If they are showing as new drives you could still use them by going through diskmgmt.msc they just would not be “raid’ed”

If you do get all 4 in a raid 5, how are you going to backup the 6tb useable?


both I and another users had this problem with the DX4000 not rebuilding automatically. In my case I (succesfully) solved the problem with the RST Intel driver which however has some pros and cons as it disable some DX4000 features (like display). In that case however I was also able to recover to the old installation by performing a recovery without loosing data.

Another user went through a more gentle method which however requires a little bit more of knowledge. I.e. he found on the DX4000 a folder with a slightly older driver of the in-built intel raid driver with respect to the one installed and working as default. After having shutdown the raid service he exchanged the file in the system directory with the slightly older one, rebooted and magically you find in the dashboard an Intel Raid Tab where you have a decent control of the RAID, including the possibility to migrate from Raid 1 to Raid 5 (Intel recover might be needed from control panel).

I tried myself this trick on both my two units and it worked flawlessly even if I already solved the problem with the standard Intel RST driver (in the meanwhile I think I went through 2 or 3 complete re-install for other reasons). I.e. I have in the dasboard a nice Intel tab folder which gives some more information about the RAID configuration

this is the link you can refer to:



Awesome Davide. Thank you for that very helpful information. I ended up doing a recovery with three disks in and it has worked. But I powered down the other day incorrectly and it is now initializing the drive in the health tab. The unit and drives are working fine. But I guess it is doing a check. So if this doesn’t resolve itself I may be following your advice.


99,9% the raid system is just checking everyhing is fine. With 4 2Tb disks as Raid 5 it took to me something more than 1 day when it occured. When it will be over you can try the procedure as suggested in the link, I am pretty sure it will work

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