I have a My book Live which I have recently install on my system. On the initial installation I had a drive which was accessible and I copied some files across to the MyBook. Since then the drive has disappeared. I have installed the latest firmware for the drive and downloaded the latest version of WD Smartware. I am using a laptop running windows 7 and the drive is attached to a D_Link DSL-2640R router. When I open my network places I can see the MyBook under storage however when I click to open the drive it takes me to my own my documents folder rather than the public folder on the drive. When I try to access the drive using the Smartware it does nothing at all. I can access the MyBook settings using the IP address and I can use the twonky on my laptop to play music. I can also access the files on the drive using WD2Go on my ipad and iphone perfectly. I have tried port forwarding and the MYBook says this is connected and working fine.
I have tried mapping the drive but my laptop tells me it can’t find it on the network even though it shows up in my network directory. I have contacted WD to try and resolve this issue twice now and am still awaiting a reply. I’ve tried turning off my firewall and disabling my internet security with no result. I’ve looked through the forum but can’t find any post with a similar issue.
Any help would be appreciated.
Just remap it.
Bring up the Windows Explorer, click the “Map Network Drive” button at the top menu bar,
Pick a drive letter.
Click the Browse Button…
Select the Share, and press OK.
Follow the rest of the prompts.
I can’t, the drive is not there as far as windows is concerned, whats weird is that its shows up in my network places.
I spoke to tech support and they told me it was a fault on the network card and to return it to the store which I did. Plugged in my new drive and guess what! same issue. I have found a work around by trial and error, if I connect the drive up to my laptop and change the name of the drive using the dashboard the drive shows up on my system allowing me to copy data. I then have to plug it back into my router to access the files from my ipad which is what I bought the drive for. Once I do this though the drive disappears again.
It has now taken to running really slowly. worked fine fro a day and now it takes 10 mins to download and small file. this happened with the last drive also and then somehow righted itself. I’ve tried rebooting but no joy. If the drive did what it was supposed to it would be a great bit of kit but i’m starting to suspect that its more trouble than its worth having read through the forum and from my recent experiences.
I have to say that Wd are pretty useless with their tech support and help. I emailed them 10days ago and am still waiting for a reply. This sort of device should be plug and play. Having to mess around setting it up is a waste of time I could do without.
Try installing and running this software provided for free by WD for situations like this: http://support.wdc.com/product/download.asp?groupid=902&sid=110〈=en
Wow, that worked!!! Days i’ve wasted trying to resolve this issue, I’ve even returned a drive to the store as WD told me it was broken and this program solved the issue in seconds. I’ve read this forum from front to back and nowhere have I seen mention of this resulution. Weird.
Not to be picky but is there any chance you could help with the fact my drive now rums at an insainly slow speed when I access it from wd2go. It happened before and unplugging the cable from the router seemed to solve it but that isn’t working now. it was working fine and then it just went to 10% speed. it now takes about 5 mins to download a 20k document or play a song. If I can get this resolved then I can finally make good use of my NAS. I can copy files from my laptop over wifi at a reasonable rate so dont think its that.
Any suggestions?
Ok, glad that worked.
I’m not sure how much ill be able to help you with this other issue.
How are you connecting to WD2Go? Through the website? An app?
HI, I was using the app but it has stopped working all together now so I’ve given up. I downloaded another app called filebrowser that works perfectly so I’ll just use that for now. Thanks for you help
I am having the same problem but slightly different. I am using a nextar case with wd sata hhd inside. My macbook reads it fine, my toshiba laptop also, but my desk with windows 7 does not. My toshib lap has wn 7 on it.
when I look at devises I can see the HD and when I plug it into the usb it bongs, I just cannot see it in explorer. I have tried mapping but it does not show. when I down loaded the program suggested, it scanned but could not find the HD.
Hi Wolfiesmish … I had exactly the same problem when I updated the Mybookduo software but glad to say the suggested download worked for me too so many many thanks for that info TylerThomas. I have spent hours trying to get the MyBook to link to my laptop and couldn’t have done it without yourhelp Tyler.
HI Im hoping you’re better at this device than I am. I have a weird network setup but I’ve set this WDTVLIVEHUB first generation 5 times over the 3 years I’ve had it and this is the first time I’ve had an issue.
The techs at WD can’t seem to help me out with this. They told me to do a hard reboot and reinstall the latest firmware. I’d done that before they told me to do it.
I’ve had this drive with no problems for… 3 years since it came out and never had a problem. Right now I have one Win7 box wired to my modem and Linksys E4200 router. It’s slow but this is just a server and has a xenon chip. I use those WD Livewire Powrline boxes to connect the laptops in the house ( right now just this one this is what I actually set up the WD box 2 months ago. I was watching something on netflix a few weeks ago and the box went out. I was half asleep and started screwing around with my server and router and when I got the box back online ( it was a bad HDMI cable… I forgot the golden rule…check the cables first) , I couldn’t remap my box. That’s basically it. I’ve tried everything under the sun except uninstall the router and powerline boxes and do it all over again from scratch and see what happens. Obviously I don’t want to do this. The thing with the Powerline box is I have it set up exactly the opposite of how they have it in the manual. They have the Powerline going into the router then to the devices. that doesnt work for me my modem and office is not near the TVs so I had to put the WDTV right into the B powerline box. That shouldn’t make a difference. The device is detected on the powerline. WD sell is so their tech guys should know if it’s an issue. I gave them the latest firmware as well and the box streams perfectly, it’s the HDD inside the box that’s not playing nice. If you or you know anyone who is better at this weird form of networking ( I learned networking with wired boxes in the early 90s ) Id sure appreciate it. I gave the PS3hub a thought but why compound an issue with more stuff… they say it configures WD fast but I dont know it I’m not a gamer.