Can't access dashboard

Same issue as SteveRoio et al

Can access via finder (OSX)

Can also access WD My Cloud devices page

Have tried to access properties via ‘get info’ but it’s been ‘Fetching…’ for +8 minutes

I know the IP address is (LAN off Airport Extreme) because I can ping it successfully

Dashboard icon fails

Typing the IP in Firefox and Safari also fails with:

The connection has timed out

The server at is taking too long to respond.

This is the second time I have had Dashboard drop out. Backups also failed again today. What happens when somebody needs to restore from a backup on MyCloud? I have very little confidence in this device.

Customer Service contacted me and asked for a copy of my logs and then had me reset the drive completely with the latest firmware. This appeared to work for a few days but now I am back to a similar issue where it logs in briefly (1 or 2 seconds brief) where I can see the Dashboard page but then it jumps back to the login screen…ugh!

I am having the same problem, Have you found a solution to it yet?


I have had the same problem as many.

The issue is the ip address changed during the night when I was transferring files.




After wading through many posts and trying many things I cannot resolve the issue. No dashboard, no connectivity to MyCloud.

Changing the IP in using the Dashboard icon does not do anything.

Unfortunately my OS (XP) language is German and its hard to deal with network issues in German!

Although connected with a network cable I have also lost wireless capability despite resetting everything back to default.

There seems to be no solution. The solutions given here require a) some deeper knowledge of networking and b) an understanding of the networking terms (hence, the problem with German).

It should be straight forward…change the IP address that the devices connect through? It is done on the dashboard icon, but where else can I do this? I see talk of NAS, is this something different? And port forwarding???

Any help would be most appreciated.


Besides the usual wrong IP, resetting, cold start etc etc., the real problem maybe something that WD won’t admit. The system just dosn’t get round to processing the dashboard GUI. My EX4 is configured and is working perfectly, as a server (all be it now without dashboard access). The dashboard works 1 in 100 time only.

Please WD address this issue you have a great product, a lot of users are not impressed with your silience.

I also can’t access my management page 

I did a scan on the ports open on my WD Mycloud EX2 and found the following ports running:

Starting Nmap 6.47 ( ) at 2014-10-29 17:02 Pacific Daylight Time
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.00s latency).
Not shown: 95 closed ports
111/tcp open rpcbind 2-4 (RPC #100000)
139/tcp open netbios-ssn Samba smbd 3.X (workgroup: WDMYCLOUDEX2)
445/tcp open netbios-ssn Samba smbd 3.X (workgroup: WDMYCLOUDEX2)
548/tcp open afp Netatalk 3.0.5 (name: WDMyCloudEX2; protocol 3.3)
2049/tcp open nfs 2-3 (RPC #100003)

Shouldn’t port 9000 be open for management?

If not what port IS used for management? 

I’ve rebooted 3 times and while the system is booting up and running system checks I see port 9000 but then it goes away. 

What gives?


I’m also facing same problems since I updated the my cloud and the firmware yesterday. Now I cannot access my dashboard plus I can’t connect to my wd my cloud since the upgrade. WD pleases resolve the new update if there is a problem with the updates. Before this everything seems fine and smooth. Thanks

Same thing with me. After the latest firmware update no more Dashboard. 

If I unplug the unit and power it back up I can get back in to the dashboard for a while,

but then the unit goes off line. 

I still have access to my files but not the dashboard.

So many comments about being able to access dashboard. I have changed from Raid 5 to JBOD. The processor is just not up to the task when usage is 80% full (Raid 5 overhead). I am not uploading to EX4 at 50+ Mbps and can still accesss dashboard easily. The Raid 5 while desireable, doesn’t out way the convenience.

Just to follow up on this thread as it’s more relevant than the other one I used: I have EXACLY the same problem and I do not recall having it before.

No usual pitfalls in my case: different IP that changed and I did not realise etc.

Also, all of a sudden I cannot access drive’s GUI via web browser at all, but funny enough Windows sees volumes as nothing happened. I can access TWONKY via :9000 though.

Finally, nothing is being streamed and I do not work with the drive - but there’s a **bleep** of a lot of activity going on (LED blinking, drive noisy). I can also ping drive without issues.

What the heck?


Same here

All of a sudden no connection via any Browser

Go to your Network and Sharing centre;

Click “See Full map”;

Find the WD MyCloud at the bottom (“Devices that could not be placed on the map” or words to that effect);

Right click - “View Device Webpage”.

This will take you to the new IP address - change it in your shortcut, done.

Mine changed the assigned to it IP address for no reason - now I’m moving everything to Synology DS412. Don’t trust WD anymore…

Please HELLLLPPPPPPP i can acces from the app, but I can’t ude de dashboard, can’t connect, Please some advice

Stupid question, but did you previously enable SSH access to your drive?

If so, you can Putty into the drive and restart the web server service. The dashboard uses Apache web server.

Hi. Not sure how active this thread is but thought I’d let you know how I solved this very irritating problem. Not an IT guy and cant explain why this works for me but anyway:

  1. After a paperclip reset (40s) I managed to enter the Mycloud dashboard. I set a password for admin too.

  2. I set the IP number to static.

  3. Taking the static ip number, I created a bookmark in Safari with the ip number as the address (instead of “wdmycloudmirror.local”).

I now can access the dashboard everytime I want with no problems.

Hope this works for you too.

Also being a non IT chap and having the same problem I can fortunately at leats understand your solution. I think there are two 40 second resets, one with the power on and one with the power off. Tried the power on version and didn’t seem to make any difference. Before I disconnect the power and try that - are you able to confirm that I won’t lose my data? 

Many thanks
