The only way to use my WD Home with my ATV and inFuse player is by accessing the hidden “public” folder on my WD Home edition (Plex is not an option)
I was able to access the /public folder for many months, but recently I have not been able to, whew I try to smb into the folder from the finder I am told it cannot access the IP and to contact sys admin. I know the IP is correct, but I think there has been a change on the MacOS side which is causing the inability to connect.
All my data is on the /Public folder and if I can please find some guidance on how to access that folder again I would appreciate it very much.
Hello…many people have been having the same problem. at least as far as I aware and from what I have been reading apple has screwed up the more recent smb support and this seems to be causing a problem mostly on Big Sir 11.3.1. Windows works, iPhone apps work.
the link above to the apple community support mentions a work around using cifs://xxxxxxxxxx instead of the smb://xxxxxxxx and I personally found this to work. I am still trying to figure out how to reliably get this to mount automatically as in the past.
I certainly hope this work for you. I have been searching for a while… hopefully this will get addressed in the next macOS update.
Just had a live chat with WD, this is the solution based on recent changes to Big Sur:
The My Cloud Home Public share cannot be seen on macOS computers.
Only the TimeMachineBackup share can be seen in macOS Finder.
The My Cloud Home Public share supports the Common Internet File System (CIFS) connection method.
The My Cloud Home Public Share is designed and implemented for Windows File Backup. It is not designed for local LAN storage access. Although is can be accessed on macOS using Common Internet File System (CIFS), it was not designed to be used as local LAN storage for Windows or macOS. Please use WD Discovery and the User Private Space for your My Cloud Home content storage needs.
Connect using macOS (CIFS)
The Common Internet File System (CIFS) tag must be used for connecting to the Public Share on macOS
The connection must be made as the macOS Guest user
Roy S: Please be informed that you can map your WD My Cloud Home Public share using the link below:
Henry Cline: up until recently I was logging in as a registered user using my WD Home usr/pass?
Henry Cline: The guest access did go through, So I am able to log in, but wondering what changed?
Henry Cline: And really wondering if WD can please make access to the public folder easier for us Home users?
Roy S: Please be informed that since the drive does not have dashboard and you are trying to map the public share so you don’t need to login with the registered user. Please try to map is using Guest and let me know the outcome.
Roy S: Please be informed that this is issues is only due to the recent changes in the macOS Big sur. However, the public share as as easy to access like a private share in any other macOS.
Henry Cline: ahh, I see. But I cannot access it from the My Cloud Home ?
Roy S: Are you getting any error while trying to login to your My Cloud Home device?
Henry Cline: NO, I can log in just fine, but There is no path to the public share?
Roy S: Please be informed that you can access the public folder only when you’re connected locally. You cannot access the public folder using
Henry Cline: also good to know, thanks very much!
Roy S:
You’re welcome and thank you so much for your kind cooperation!!