Cannot backup in time machine to WD mybooklive. Is this an Apple issue or WD issue?

Earlier I got the “OSStatus error 2” and now I get a message that the backup failed, “time machine couldn’t back up to mybooklive. Unable to complete backup. An error occurred while creating the backup folder.”

I’ve signed in as guest, which I have always done in the past but it keeps failing.

Have rebooted WD, network and MacBook Pro.

Never had this issue before. Can’t find my older backups on my WD; have had this setup for about a yr or 2.

Last successful backup was 4/13/14.

OS X 10.9.2 which was updated in March 2014. All updates are current.

Does anyone know if this is an Apple issue or WD issue? I know WD has recently had problems but not sure if this is related.

Have always been able to run backups automatically on WiFi.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

See if the link below helps.