If so how? You can’t do it in windows management as it will go back to divided unallocated when you choose “delete partition”.I can work with single partition but would like to know if I can have have more than one partition so I can get back to work. win 7 64 bit
Edit-I think gpt style format needs special partition software because any other programs I check format it says ntfs. And like I said i formated in gpt and have a whole functioning drive. Though “gpt style” is not necesarily top layer format as in fat and ntfs,
It shows their partition to be unallocated…mine is allocated and a functioning single partition 3.6 gb HD. I will shut down and try this but I think my choice will be “delete partition”, if “new simple volume” is available I will do this. It has always resulted in a dividing of disk into 2 gb drive with 1 1/2 gb unusuable. I hope this works.
Hi, The choice that they give me (“create new volume”) is not available , just “delete partition” and also they show an unallocated single space in their example, mine is allocated and a “healthy” (Primary Partition) 3725.99 GB NTFS. If I select “delete” it will divide my drive again…so I won’t do that and have to zero drive again. What should I do now?
Have you or anyone on this board ever made more than one partition on a 3gb or larger WD usb HD? PS - Your source tells me to format…my drive is healthy primary so no need to right?..afraid if I do it will divide again. Thanks John