Can connect with LAN cable but not over WiFi on the same network

Hi everyone.
My enthusiasm for my new My Cloud is taking a rapid dive because I can’t do a simple thing: Connect and access as a network drive in Windows 10.

If I plug my gigabit laptop into my gigabit router I can connect no problem (although 30MBps on a large file is slower than I expected).

When I use WiFi from the same laptop (or any other computer in the house), it’s sluggish at best, connection often locks up, and there is no chance of transferring files. The shares show up but just don’t work properly. Even the UI dashboard is very slow and sometimes doesn’t work at all.

My best guess is a router issue - but why is there a difference between wired and wireless on the same router? Same IP address. I’ve looked through the router settings and can’t see any firewall or blocking in place. Some sort of bridging issue within the router? Other devices on the network function correctly though. Computers and devices all connect to the internet and each other as usual via WiFi… they just don’t connect to the My Cloud!

I say all other devices, but my WD TV has always had a similar issue, although it hasn’t bothered me. I can navigate to a plugged in USB drive and see the files on it, but I can’t transfer to or from it. A clue that it’s a WD specific problem maybe?

Any help appreciated!

Have you checked at what speed your computer’s WiFi is connecting at? What brand/model is the router?

As to copy speeds. There are a number of reasons why copy speed isn’t what people expect it to be. Namely one rarely if ever gets the advertised maximum speed of their network equipment. Then there is the network speed of the NIC ports on the computer/router, the hard drives (both on the PC and the My Cloud), network overhead, WiFi encryption, etc. that all contribute to slowing down the copying speed. Use Gigabit Ethernet from end to end if at all possible.

Start by reading the following thread:

Next, read the following two links that explain why one doesn’t normally see the speeds they expect.,2321-3.html

Further we have several threads that contain examples of copy speeds. Here are some of those threads.

Thanks for that @Bennor - I will check all that out, but speed is not my priority at this stage. My Cloud access doesn’t actually work at all via WiFi. Something is seriously wrong.
I have read all forum posts containing WiFi with various suggestions but no luck so far.
My router is a Netcomm NF4V.

Its a router problem, probably related to AP or WiFi client Isolation within the router settings. Seems others have a similar or same problem in the past.

Thanks @Bennor you’re a miracle worker :smiley:
Reading those posts encouraged me to update the router firmware, and now it appears to be fixed!
Keeping fingers crossed…

What type of router do you have? Is it 802.11n, 802.11ac, 2.5 GHz, 5 GHz etc.? What color are the LED’s on the back of your My Cloud? Have you read through the User Manual for the My Cloud?


The OP indicated above the router is a Netcomm NF4V. From the Netcomm NF4V specifications (

• IEEE 802.11n. Backwards compatible with IEEE802.11b/g/a
• 2.4GHz WiFi
• SSID broadcast or in stealth mode
• Auto/Manual Channel selection
• WPS button (WiFi Protected Setup)

Edit: Further the OP indicated it appears updating the router’s firmware may have fixed their issue.

Good to hear. It is generally recommended to keep the router firmware updated to the manufacturer’s latest firmware to fix any issues they find. Some routers have the capability to auto update the firmware without user intervention.

Thanks @Bennor.
Funnily enough I noticed the router firmware was 4(!) versions out of date and had the file downloaded and sitting on my desktop. The reason I didn’t install it was I was apprehensive about losing the settings my internet provider had pre-installed on it. Didn’t feel like risking losing the internet entirely on a weekend!
Got to the stage of saying “oh what the hell” and it was fine.

Thanks also @cat0w for your input.