Brand new "My Passport Ultra" 3TB not recognized by Windows 7 laptop

I just purchased a new “My Passport Ultra” 3TB external drive and when I plug it into my laptop (Windows 7 service pack 1) using the USB 3.0 (compatible with 2.0) cable, it just spins for a minute or so and then stops. I keep waiting for the driver setup screen but nothing ever shows and when I open up My Computer, I don’t see the drive listed anywhere.

I tried plugging in when the laptop is already booted up. I tried plugging it in and then booting up the laptop. Same results both times where it just spins and then nothing.

Any hints?



It is possible that the laptop is not providing enough power to spin up the Passport drive. I recommend you try the drive on a desktop computer to verify it is not a drive issue.

You can also try updating the USB 3.0 drivers on your laptop.

From your Windows 7 computer, try this. Open diskpart.exe, do not plug in your drive to the external usb port yet. Type “list disk”, now plug in your external drive and wait for 1 minute. Type “list disk”, see if a new disk list on the screen. If it does, then we can move to the next step. If not, then you need to check the Device manager see if the device list in there that might need to install a drivers.

Hi Hamlet - I tried various computers…work…home…laptops…desktops…all with the same symptoms. It’ll spin for a few mins…then stop.

How do you update the USB 3.0 drivers? I’ve been looking everywhere to try that too.


Hi jebusx - I tried to debug via the Device Manager and the disk never appears. And this happens on all the computers I try whether it’s a laptop or desktop…home or work.

Do I just have a defective drive? Or is the next step looking at the USB 3.0 drivers?


Hamlet/jebusx - Figured out the issue…it was a dud product. Had to return it and the new one works perfectly fine. Thanks for commenting previously though. :slightly_smiling:
