This just started happening in the last 7-10 days.
I’ve owned 2 WDTV Lives for over 3 years with no issuses. They are clearly the best media player out there. Both systems will lock up after a random amount of time, becomes completely unresponsive via either remote or through network accessible gui. I’m running firmware version 2.02.32.
My suspicions is there is an issue with the metadata database, because I got my system to stay on all night and rebuild the database Sunday night. But once it was done it started locking up again!
Any suggestions? I’ve rebooted and reset to test that as well.
I have 4 of them that started this about two weeks ago. Alot of the threads here are about this. Only fix I have found is downgrade firmware and loose resume or disconnect from the network and loose everything online. Personally wife and I chose to downgrade on ours and the kids chose to remove from network.
Try going into the settings and look up wi fi direct and turning that off if it is on. That worked my freezing problems with that firmware.
Will give that a shot as my two boxes are doing same with great regularity of late. Sorry if silly question but what do you lose through disabling wifi direct? I always use Ethernet on my boxes for max reliability but have used wifi a long time ago
As far as I know, the only thing you lose is Miracast.
Disabing Miracast didn’t help out with mine. I thought it was helping, but it eventually started locking up again. I even tried blocking all incoming/outgoing internet traffic to the WDTV’s IP address in my router in case that was causing an issue, but it didn’t help either. I stream from network shares, so disconnecting from the local network would defeat the purpose, so I didn’t try that. I finally downgraded the firmware to 2.01.86. I haven’t had the lockups, but now I’m back to my previous beef with that firmware. It takes several cycles of “invalid username/password” before it will actually connect.
Just read your post lynnskii in the other thread (I posted there too). Are you using windows shares for your network? If possible try Linux shares if you can, they seem less troublesome. My NAS is a linux box so it has linux shares built in, on my windows PC I installed haneWIN NFS server and it works very well, avoiding the issues with windows networks totally.
Phew! I thought it was just my unit that was acting up, especially worrisome since my warranty just expired in August!
Mine has also been freezing up lately, except it seems to do so consistently after it has been playing a video for ~35min.???
I am also running Firmware V. 2.02.32 and tried turning off the “WiFi Direct” auto-detect function as suggested by others in this thread, but it did not solve the issue.
What new issues will arise if I downgrade to the previous Firmware version (2.01.86)?
Thanks in advance!
Downgrade to 2.01.86 and it will stop freezing
I had the issue on my 2 devices a few weeks ago and now everything is running fine.
Add me to the list, been having issues for the last few weeks where it would freeze on the screensaver or in soft standby, or mid watch and tottaly frozen, pull plug and reboot. I thought either my box was dying or my ext hard drives were. Mine is ethernet connected but i dont stream i use two WD ext drives. I am going to downgrade the firmware to 86 then do a paper clip reset and media rebuild and this time im disconnecting the network as i had noticed the ethernet plug light flashing a lot even when not in use. Highly suspicious, especially since Windows 10, (im sticking with 7) is rumoured to silently block and disable anything it considers pirated.
My WDTV live is freezing too. It worked fine up until a couple of weeks ago. Now it freezes basically every day. Even when the unit is not turned on, but in stand-by mode, it sometimes goes into some sort of freezing state where you can’t turn it on or bring it to live, without unplugging it and plugging it back in. Obviously something is wrong. I tried to turn off most of the network functions to no avail.
Will downgrading to firmware 2.01.86 really work?
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