Backup/Retrieve Tabs Greyed Out - Cannot access Retrieve to put onto new computer

Purchased My Book for purpose of backing up my Windows XP desktop with intention of moving everything to new Windows 7 desktop. Was able to succesfully back up the XP, could see the files, everything looked like it was good. Now that I’ve got the Windows 7 up and running and installed My Book and WD Smartware, would like to retrieve my files but both the Backup & Retrieve tabs are greyed out.  While installing onto the Windows 7, one driver did not install successfuly, could that be the issue?

Should I uninstall/reinstall WD Smartware? When/if I do that, are you supposed to run a backup upon installation? I skipped that part as I thought if I ran on backup, it would overwrite everything already on My Book from the old computer? Is that correct or no?

I did try unplugging/chaning the usb ports, even clicked onto the icon in the upper left corner that was mentioned on other posts, but doesn’t help. any advice?

I found this advice in another thread:

“This will sound odd but go to the backup tab and start a backup and let it finish, after it is completed then go to the retrieve tab and select the old backup from the volumes (It will not show up until the new abckup is completed).”

My question is, if I do a first backup when I install WD Software onto the new computer, will it overwrite all of the files I backed up on my old computer?

Hi and sorry for the delay, be sure to download the latest version of Smartware, you also have the option to retrieve your files manually by exploring the smartware.swstor folder in the external hard drive. 

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Updating to the latest version allowed the tabs to come back up, thank you