Where did you buy your device, My Cloud Home? My suggestion, go back to where you bought it and get a receipt for your purchase, their sell, if you don’t already have one.
When you go out shopping, or even buy online, you make a purchase from someone or place that is selling items. Get a receipt that shows who sold to you and all the information about your purchase.
Thing is I do have a receipt ie a proof of purchase. What they are asking for is a proof of sale …which is making me confused. I’m not the seller I’m the buyer.
What do you have showing on your sales receipt? Below is an example Wal-Mart sales/purchase receipt. Highlighted in yellow shows, ITEMS SOLD 1. Have you provided a copy of yours to WD when you try to register it.
yes i did. it indicated out of warranty, as they calculated it from build date.Support said what I have provided is not enough proof and require a proof of sale document.
anyhoo, will reach out to support again and see where it goes, although it is looking likely this item bought new , does not come with warranty.