Another My Cloud Ubuntu Question

Firstly,  I did not see a way to add a post to this thread:

So I started a new thread.  

I am running Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit and am considering purchasing a 2 TB My Cloud drive to connect to my home network.

Based on what I have read it seems that there are a couple of ways to mount the My Cloud drive from Ubuntu.

Option 1 seems fairly complicated and requires modifying /etc/fstab.

The example shown in the above mentioned post is:

//     /mounts/cnm1            cifs    rw,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,credentials=/etc/samba/remotecreds2 0  0

Option 2 seems much easier and involves connecting to the My Cloud drive via the Nautilus File Manager.

The example shown in the above mentioned post is from the File Manager connect to the server at:


My question is does option 2 actually work and if so what is the advantage of option 1?

Thank you for your time and advice,


GrouchyGaijin wrote:


My question is does option 2 actually work and if so what is the advantage of option 1?


Of course it works.  

The advantage of option 1 is that it works across all Linux distros and mounts the volume to any place the user chooses. Option 2 is specific to Ubuntu/Nautilus and may not be accessible to apps not launched via Nautilus.