After connecting Easystore to a different power cable, it isn't working on PC

Hi there, on Windows 11

I took my easystore to my parent’s house and found out I didn’t have the original power cable with me but they had another DC-in power cable that I used to no avail, it didn’t connect. I don’t know the wattage of that cable.

A few days later I’m home and connecting it to my laptop but it won’t turn on. My laptop sees the easystore but when I try to initialize it on disk management, I got an error that said it failed due to a fatal device hardware error. In the tray, my laptop can see the drive and eject it, but I cannot see any data from it.

The light turns on, no noises, no clicks.

I shucked the HDD and put it into a tower, but that PC wasn’t able to see it. I tried a sata to usb-c cable into my laptop but it wasn’t being detected either.

Any hope? Is my HDD physically borked?

The 12V TVS diode and/or fuse is probably damaged. If so, then there is usually an easy no-cost DIY fix.

TVS Diode FAQ:

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