4TB Passport for Mac stuck in read-only

I have been using a 4TB passport for Mac for 7 months and everything has been great until last week, when it suddenly decided that it was in read-only mode. I can access all the file on it, but I can’t save anything to it. There are 3TB free. Wen I open Info on the drive, it tells me the following under Sharing & Permissions: System: Read & Write; wheel: Read & Write; everyone: Read Only. Using the password I open the lock in the bottom right corner, but it won’t let me change the “Read Only” status.

The WD Drive Unlock application tells me: “Your drive is now unlocked”

I also get the following error on boot up: “macOS can’t repair the disk ” then tells me that I can’t save anything to it.

I didn’t change anything that I can remember. I just went from working to not working.

Hi gotimeagile.com,

May be you can save all the data which is in your My Passport to some other different location if you are able to do that and then reformat the drive in macOS Extended Journal. Formatting is data destructive process. After formatting the drive, try to drag and drop the data to it.

This exact same thing happened with my Passport for Mac 4TB. I am concerned that after figuring a way to save all of my data somewhere else and reformatting the drive that it will happen again. I need to be able to trust the drives I am using. Did you happen to reformat yours and is it working for you still after doing so?

I reformatted and everything has been ok.

I think the problem occurred because of the MacOS and me removing the drive while mounted—don’t do that.

In fact, it works better this time around than it did originally. I don’t see sw splash windows upon bootup anymore. It’s just there.