My passport suddenly 'read only"

My passport for mac, has suddenly become 'read only" It is formatted for mac osx. When I go to ‘get info’ it says 'you may only read" (since yesterday!) I cannot change these settings as all the options are greyed out. Can anyone help change 'sharing and permissions to ‘read and write’? Thank you.


If you pres the command key on the keyboard and click, you can go to the get info section on the device and then the permissions should be there.

I have done this all of the ‘sharing and permissions’ are greyed out and not changeable even after unlocking the security

Lesli Bell
Currently in Lamu Island, Kenya

This just happened out of the blue on mine too! I cannot get it to change. The “sharing and permissions” area is all greyed out so I cannot access them. And on some occasions, even though I’m not disconnecting the drive from my laptop, it doesn’t even show up as an icon on my desktop. I can hear it running when my laptop is on.

How, when it does show up, do I change it to not be “read only” in the sharing section? I tried unlocking the keychain and going to sharing preferences in my system preferences but nothing is working. I contacted WD support but they want me to mail my passport to them and they said they’d then send me a new one. But I don’t feel comfortable giving them something that has all my data on it and never getting it back. I feel they should give me a new one (or find a different way to verify that this one is not working) without me having to do that.

Hi Bernadette, This is a common problem with My Passport, although WD told me they have never heard of it before! Do a google search and you will find hundreds of posts. I finally had to move my data to other drives and re-format the 'my passport drive. Its hard to believe that they dont have a better solution to a common problem! Lesli

Thank you Lesli. Yes, I’ve just decided to go buy another drive (probably not the same brand) and start over, but keep this one somewhere for safe keeping. If I can get the icon to come on to my desk top (every so often it does) I am going to try to copy it to a thumb drive or something.

Their “warranty” policy is pretty disappointing too. I don’t want to give up the one I have, to them, by mail, and then pay for another if I don’t send my “read only” one in. You’d think since it’s a warranty they’d replace it for free or offer some free service to look at it remotely. I might as well go to the store and buy another and then just start using that. It would be faster, and either way I pay for a new drive and I lose all the stuff on this one, but at least this way, I am not giving my stuff to someone else.

totally agree, would not send it to them. I think they know this is a common problem but dont want to deal with it? not sure, but its terrible customer service. Good luck with yours!