2 New WD Elements SE HDs Failed Together

I purchased 2 WD Elements SD extrernal hard drives in March 2020, with the intention of backing up all my digital photos.

I didn’t get around to doing this until September 2020. In the process of copying all my files over, the first drive failed. This was the first time it was taken out of the box.
The local computer repair store took a look at it and told me that professional data recovery (costing $1K+ was the only option).

I copied several other files to the second hard drive back in September, and it has remained untouched since. I just tried to access these files and the same corruption has occured. The computer works totally fine with other xternal drives, it’s just these two that have stuffed up. Most of the files I have backed up, but a few never made it through the copying process so are either lost, or trapped on these faulty drives.

I don’t have any receipts from the original purchase, so not sure if any of this is covered in WD warranties, and I never registered the purchases so can’t check the warranty status. It just seems uncanny to me that two of the same drives could bust in the same way.

Might anyone have any ideas of how best to proceed here, either any fix ideas I could try, or any info on getting any warranty help?


you don’t have to register to check the warranty status.

Warranty Status is determined by the Product Serial Number.

All you need to enter on the site link below is Product Type / Country and Serial Number.

Anyways, sorry to hear you problem … i’ve bought Several WD Elements SE drives over the years and haven’t had a any problems with them.

They could have been dropped or faulty returns mixed up with stock and put back on the shelf where your bought them.

I always check/test hard drives after purchase when i get home.

If there’s any problems i can return them within 30 Days to the place where i bought them and get an exchange or refund.

Would recommend doing this in future.

If you have to claim warranty, you’ll be out of pocket again with shipping costs.