Can I directly write data to USB devices from MyCloud NAS?

Yes some of the My Cloud Dashboard backup options were a bit half baked. They worked but you never knew when it wouldn’t.

Personally, I went to using CRON and scripting the backup (file copy) from the main My Cloud drive to a USB drive attached to the My Cloud’s USB port. Even scripted it to send me an email when finished. Set the CRON job to run on scheduled days/times. The advantage was I could control what I backed up rather than it being an all or nothing affair with the WD method. We had a number of discussions on alternatives to WD’s backup option in the single bay OS3 My Cloud subforum years back. Should work on multi bay units but not sure if it would work under OS5 firmware.

The main downside to using Teracopy (good program use it myself on occasion) to using WinSCP to using Windows File Explorer or Mac Finder to connecting the USB drive to the Windows/Mac computer to copy files is one will have to leave that computer running for the entire time of the backup/copy process. For a large amount of content that could take many hours or even days. Depending on the method used one may not be able to use the computer for any other purpose during that backup/copy process (computer may be sluggish doing other tasks).

That’s why the nohup command issued with the backup/copy command via SSH is (for some) a better way to go if one doesn’t want to use a scripted CRON job on the My Cloud itself. Both ways (nohup and CRON) will run entirely on the My Cloud. For some this is a better way to go than using a computer that has to be left running for many hours or days.