Why is my samsung tv not sensing my passport

i connected my 4tb hardrive to my tv and its not showing up i tried to refresh the tv but it still didnt work if any one knows if it needs a file download or something please answer

Is it recognized by your computer?


Has it ever worked with the TV?

Some TV’s are not compatible with GPT Partition Style and will only work with MBR Partitions.

(TV’s also have a Maximum Allowed HDD Capacity eg. some TV’s only allow up to 2TB HDD’s)

As you are aware Scott, New WD drives are all factory partitioned GPT

I have a 4TB My Passport Ultra (GPT Partitioned / NTFS Formatted) and have tested it with my Panasonic Smart TV and 2 of my friends Samsung Smart TV’s … and it worked fine.

But all of these Smart TV’s range from 1 to 3 Years old.

Here’s an article describing the problem with GPT and some Smart TV’s …

The only ‘Real’ and cheap solution to use a 4TB and larger HDD on a TV is to purchase a Recent Media Player/Box eg. My Raspberry Pi 3 and Amlogic S905X Android Box are also fully compatible with 4TB and GPT Partitions. Both cost less than $100 each

Good article; thanls Joey.

I would think another solution would be to use a 4TB or even higher NAS. A WD My Cloud NAS connects to a home network, as can a Smart TV. Although the NAS drives are GTP partitions, the TV could care less, because it is not connecting to drives via USB but rather through the network where all the TV is concerned with is accessing media files stored on the NAS drive; which it can easily do.