Why is Dropbox Sync so slow?

On my Home 4TB I started Dropbox syncronisation on Jan 5 2020. I have about 800 GB of files to sync.
Today, after 23 days, not even 50% of the files are synced. I expect the sync to take about 2 months.

Can anybody explain this ? My Internet is 1 Gbit/s fiber, speedtest to major server says about 700 Mbit/s down and 200 Mbit/s up.


Same problem exists over a year later. Must be very limited bandwidth allowed. It’s not fit for purpose.

WDstaff had plenty of time to reply to this and should had done so, but it is a limitation of the Cloud service provider, sync API and security limitations which limit Cloud sync speeds across different NAS manufacturers. One thread on Dropbox explained it this way with no solution for another NAS:

… How can I remove Dropbox’s speed limit?