I was able to transfer files over wifi to the hard drives connected to my WDTV Live, now all of a sudden my WDTV still shows up on the shared devices list on my Mac, but i cannot tranfer files or even properly connect to it. My Mac still connects to other computers on my network though, so the problem seems to be my WDTV.
Please help.
I’m new to this, but if you are trying to add items to the actual WD TV device, I don’t think it has any storage to do that.
I have 2 external HDs connected, both of which worked fine before in terms of receiving file transfers.
I’m sorry, I thought you were trying to send them to the actual unit. But you are sending them to the hardrives connected?
Yes, I used to do it all of the time before, then suddenly it stopped working. It’s so much easier than having to take my laptop and connect it to the eternal HDs.