WD10EAVS is down

my external HD was down, I replaced PCB without swap IC, but no lucky.

Can anyone advise how to swap this 128pin IC? pretty hard to take it off.

PCB model: 2060-701590

thanks in advance.


Replacing the circuit board on a hard drive is not a recommended method for recovering data or drive functions as this will void the warranty on the hard drive. 

Take a look at this link for more information:

How to recover data on a drive, obtain a circuit board, repair a drive, or find a list of WD data recovery partners 

The only person who knows much about boards is fzabkar, check his posts or try a PM.


thanks, Joe_s, but fzabkar doesn’t reply me…

He’s quite busy on different boards and comes and goes on his own convienence. I don’t know if this will hlep any or not http://community.wd.com/t5/Off-Topic-Discussions/Bridge-Boards/td-p/353839   I posted this a while ago. 


thanks Joe, I have already connected harddisk to mainboard direct, but no lucky. so I have to fix the PCB on the hard dirver…