WD PLEASE Give Us An Update

Agree. You should see the EMEA operation totally F¤%&ed.

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@cindy.zhang , not sure if WD only has you as a valid support??? For such a reputable company and the support had been so bad!!!

Had seen your “copied-and-paste” of the above messages at few question threads. Don’t just try to past a repeated statement but no actions…?
Is the CEO or higher management someone hiding in the forum here, just seeing what is going on and not going to reply or take any corrective actions?

This is not the way WD should be treating their customers!!! How can a big company like WD is not doing anything to get this solved?

Can someone from higher management of WD, provide some feedback and solutions? Please don’t try to fool everyone by just copy and paste the answers in a few threads…
:angry: :angry: :face_holding_back_tears: :face_holding_back_tears:

Upper management is busy with finding the black sheep who caused the security breach :joy: so that they can put the blame onto others and drink their cocktails on the beach.

This will be a case study how not to manage a corporate. Lack of communication, lack of empathy, lack of responsibility, lack of customer care, lack of … in short every skill that need to be handled by an upper management team.

Stop copying and paste, we need updates, not some parrots going around repeating what we’ve already known.

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The last time I remember this sort of thing happening, the company was in financial trouble! Is someone hiding the real truth? all we have are the press releases via WD telling us what they want us to hear.
Come on WD, address your customers properly and give us an on-line time today we can expect to access our data. I have been out of work for 5 days because of your incompetence.
And to the WD “copy and posters” please do not insult me again.

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It would be nice if WD actually would update their most probably former customers at least once a day. Status page last update on third of April today is sixth. Totally unacceptable!


Yes, just looking for an update. The last update was 3 days ago… I understand that will take time but keeping us informed would be helpful.

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Hi what is going on??? Why they don’t assistant to all customer???

I need to access these for my teaching material, how embarassed that I still unable to access and where is my files??

I will NEVER use western digital products ever again!! be honest


Tengo dos oficinas detenidas por este problema, sin duda WD tiene que responder por las pérdidas y daños efectuados. Alguien más en México tiene este problema?

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yo estoy en Mexico, y tengo el mismo problema desde este domingo en la oficina hemos estado detenidos en el avance de trabajo por la falta de acceso a la información

I have local access and i am losing my files. What’s going on? Yesterday i saved a drawing and today is missing from the hard drive!

Por favor. Atiendan a sus clientes somos pequeñas empresas que hemos confiado en WD y ahora estamos sin servicio y con problemas de que no podemos acceder a nuestros datos almacenados en nuestros discos.
Denos alguna applicacion que podamos instalar en local para poder acceder a nuestros discos, se que lo que digo no es imposible y existe. COMPARTANLA.

@WD_Admin @cindy.zhang @WD_MCH @Keerti_01 @Logan.S

The last update was April 3 and it is now April 7…

PLEASE give us an update! & PLEASE don’t copy and paste the same update from April 2.

We understand hacking can happen to anyone, but please just let us know what’s happening.

Thank you!

I subscribe.

Although problems can happen, the lack of communication is totally unacceptable.

How is this possible? You NEED TO provide us un update.

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At this point, since services are down with zero explanation, how about giving us links on how to recover our data? I know some folks have been able to recover by mounting the drives onto an Ubuntu linux server, and some are using a VPN to access their data, and am trying to locate those forum posts to at least try getting my data back. Maybe try helping the customers you’re currently locking out of their data instead of silence. I’ll never trust WD again, ever.

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@SBrown SAVED US :grinning:

This local network setup does not work for me. I finish at step 11, where I get the message: “A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated.”

Local Network Access does not work for me either!


I take it this is not going to work for me?