WD MyCloud to WD MyCloud Mirror

I’ve had a WD Mycloud for 12 months and just upgraded to WD MyCloud Mirror 8TB - i have both my devices sitting happily on my network and runnning simultaneously. i have about 1TB of data (films, music, files etc) on the MyCloud that i want to transfer to the MyCloud Mirror so that i can clear the MyCloud device and get rid of it. what is the easiest and quickest way to do this? both devices are “wired” into my Netgear Gigabit router


Hi there and welcome to the WD community.

You can try to do a safepoint from you My Cloud to the second device and that way you can have a copy of the data on the second unit, you can also try to manually copy and paste through the computer, this way you can copy specific files to the device without having to get a full copy of the drive.

In Dashboard for the Mirror, go to apps on the top bar and select web file view (I think that is the name but can’t verify since my Mirror dashboard crashed once again).  You can then select folders and hit a copy button and then the destination location. This is orders of magnitude faster data transfer than using Windows Explorer (or mac equivalent).