WD My Cloud how to use MySQL?

Hi there,

I have a 3TB Single Bay MyCloud WDBCTL0030HWT-EESN.
I connected via ssh to check is there is already a mysql server installed.
I found out that there is already one installed and running,but i can’t access it.

root@WDMyCloud / # ps faux | grep mysql
 2704 root      2560 S    {mysqld_safe} /bin/sh /usr/bin/mysqld_safe --user=root --datadir=/mnt/HD_a4/.@database@
 2825 root     29056 S    /usr/libexec/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/mnt/HD_a4/.@database@ --user=root --log-error=/mnt/HD_a4/.@database@/WDMyCloud.err --pid-file=/mnt/HD_a4/.@database@/WDMyCloud.pid

root@WDMyCloud / # uname -a
Linux WDMyCloud 3.10.39 #1 SMP Thu Nov 15 21:22:21 CST 2018 2014T20p4 Build-git0451941 armv7l GNU/Linux

I already tried to access as root and admin:admin but i only get an access denied error.

How can i access it?

Hi PatientNr0,

I would like you to inform that you cannot use MYSQL with WD My Cloud.

For more queries please contact Western Digital.



Thats the MySQL DB for the Media features and is not something you gain access too.

En el panel de configuracion entra a Aplicaciones y luego instalas el MyPhPAdmin luego entras a configurar el usuario es root y la clave la dejas en blanco, si deseas administrar la base de datos desde un pc con la aplicacion workbench solo tienes que entrar al panel ir a configuracion y habilitar en base de datos de red la administracion remota luego ya lo puedes usar en el workbech