WD Elements drive not showing on wifi

Hi, I hve hooked up my WD Elements hard drive to my wifi router via usb. I was expecting to see the drive in my available drives on my pc. I have tried resetting router & pc, but it’s still not showing. I’m I missing something? My operating system is Windows 10.

Have you enabled the Sahring feature or NAS feature within your router? At the end, the router will provide a network share into your home network.Best practice: read the manual of your router regarding its NAS feature.

Thank you. The only button I can see is the wps button - is this the same?

NAS functionality is a software part of the web UI of your router, not a hardware feature.

I have accessed the UI. I can see the device in advanced settings. I cannot see anything which specifically points to NAS or sharing

Sorry but I cannot explain how your router works and what kind of features are available there.
If your router is able to offer an attached USB drive as network storage, it will work this way.
If your router is not able to offer NAS functionaltity, you cannot connect a drive to it.

Please look in the manual of your router if this feature is available.