WD DX4000 Sentinel Recovery Disc

Two things. Using the Windows backup appears not to affect the it’s backup status in the dashboard. I’m not sure which link you are referring to. The ones I tried did not appear to have software updates.

HI, well actually I found that one, but WOW, where do I start?

have to have an older version, just extract that zip and point to it or run setup/install from the zip

actually if you point to it from the dashboard, I think you point to the zip file, not the extracted folder

Well, I’m sure glad I did a backup :wink: After the 1st run of the update and it’s reboot the fans and processors are reported failed and there’s not drive health. Running it again.

so, two runs later the green heath’s are back, but the version is still any idea how many runs are needed?

Eureka…:wink: I guess I have to work on “patients” after letting it do it’s thing with a number of reboots, it’s up to :wink:

the download was ? Is it finding updates online now?

While in an unzip of that download I saw a file with all my attempts to use the programs check for updates returned no updates available. So, I assume the final came from the update file labeled

another thing i noticed is using the windows bare metal backup to recover “requires” the same number of drives and capacity even thought I only backup the 60GB “C” drive.

This is so much fun…So, I get a “little” used unit. For some reason the drives were packaged separately. In they go…0xD9. He said they erased the drives, but if I follow the direction :wink: WD DX4000 Sentinel Recovery Disc being careful in following the exact directions I should be OK…I have performed restore several times. It’s a good thing I am a masochist. Here I try again…

Does anyone have a clean 4TB (2x2TB) windows backup of the dx4000 I can get a copy of?

well, back to the 0x80070570 error. I still don’t know if I’m getting a good download. All these units can’t be bad.

A question. I’m using separate flash drives for steps 2 and 3 in the recovery. is that wrong?

I may have more free time next week. Send me a private msg some time

hope sprind eternal, going on 24hrs doing a reset recovery, progress bar (says formatting the hard drive…) indicates about 70% done. No crash yet…I’ll pray to the WD gods that when I wake up it’s done :wink:

Do anything different?

Well, after 36+ hours , finishing the formatting and starting the reset to factory…failed with error code 0x80070570… Next step to try a restore from the running 4TB unit ;-(

I guess I will have to go back to step 2 and recreate the storage. I just tried to restart the program, skip the create bootable, but it said it couldn’t find drives. THere is the same number and size (compatible) drives in.

backup restored successfully. I only backed up and restored the “C” drive. It rebooted, loading OS, Please wait… Eureka…WDSENTINEL…Verifing… So, what is wrong with the factory reset…