Unblock my account

Could you unblock my account ?

This is a community for helping each other out, but for other problems, like yours, you need to Contact WD using the link at the bottom of this window/page.

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This is detailed in the KB (knowledge base).

Account Blocked (Locked Out) due to Consecutive or Suspicious Login on a My Cloud OS 5 or My Cloud Home



Account is Blocked and cannot login due to Consecutive Login Attempts or Suspicious Login Behavior.

Account Blocked
(Consecutive Login Attempts)
Account Blocked
(Suspicious Login Behavior)


  • Login from IP address-based block.
    It happens after 5 failed login attempts.
  • Sends Suspicious Login Attempt email.
  • The password can be changed to Unblock the account from the email. * IP address-based block due to suspicious login behavior.
  • DOES NOT send Suspicious Login Attempt email.
    This type of block is NOT account related.
  • DOES NOT allow to Unblock by changing the password.
  • Time based block against the IP address.
    It will allow login within 1 to 2 hours.


Consecutive Login Attempts

Change Account Password

Change the account password if login attempts are not recognized.