[ Tutorial ][ SSH Method ] Downgrade v4 firmware to v3

When the My Cloud is rebooted it may take some time to properly catalog/index all the content on the drive (if there is content on the drive).

The following WD Support documents may be helpful with the Mac Finder issue.



I figured it had something to do with indexing.

Re: finder, i am able to see WD, but just cannot log on. I’ll let it spin for a long while.

Thanks again.

I will still never update. I use PLEX running on my laptop and myCloud 4tb

Hey, I used your guide to install v3.04.01-230 and now I’m getting the zero capacity problem (dashboard just shows “-”, plus lots of other things give an error that starts with a 2, then a bunch of 0s, then a 5 (I’m not looking at it right now, unfortunately). I came here to try to fix it and it appears the script 404s. Do you have a mirror? It’s not on your “official” mirror either.

Just do reset from webgui (Not full reset!)

I wasn’t getting a webgui, it was sitting at the white led after a good 15 minutes or so. Ended up just using v4 and am waiting for the led to turn blue. Will downgrade manually after.

I presume the install was just several dd’s for the most part? I should mention I’m a fairly experienced Linux user, though not particularly with Debian (I used Ubuntu over a year ago, but that’s as close as it gets. I’m on Arch nowadays).

Yes. “Firmware” stored on HDD, so all what we need - is dd all back (rootfs, kernel and config).
Create empty file /etc/.fresh_install to rootfs for auto reset on next boot.

Thanks for the instructions. I was struggling with the firmware 4 version for quite sometime. Performance was terrible. Now is good and my iTunes and Sonos systems are happy.