The green blinking light thing

MyBook Live 3GB with MacBook Pro 11,1 on Maverick, keeps blinking it’s green light. I read some older posts reporting about the same issue. What can be the problem? I only placed my iTunes library on the MyBook but switchd of iTunes server since I don’t need it.

Twonky is switched on. And MyCloud is also configured. Is it normal for the drive to keep busy for loger than 24 hours? Even when my computer sleeps?

Seen a lot of posts about this problem, but few solutuions.  Some say that it is merely indexing content.  Surely if the drive needs to spend hours / days indexing content after upload, they should give you some warning!

Mine has been stuck on green flashing light for many, many hours.  Has under 1TB to index.  Cannot connect to Dashboard, or direct through web browser.  Have limited access to a few folders on my PS3 and phone.  

Sorry I can’t help, but I do share your frustration.  Please let us know how you get on.  If I find an answer/solution, I’ll let you know.  Good luck!

oh so no solution was found till this date?

Thanks for your reply. I am lucky I gues I can still acces the drive through the browserinterface. ////even though it is real slow now.

I have made some progress. I was running two routers, which caused issues. Making sure that I am accessing the same wifi network on the router that the drive is plugged into helped. Also, my router had uPNP turned off, which slowed everything down and blocked many connections. Turning it on helped. Also going into dashboard / settings / media / DLNA status and rebuilding the database has also helped a lot. These are issues that many people will experience and sorting them out should be start of the usual set up process - hope WD are taking note! Hope some of this helps…

I now discovered what caused teh macbook live to keep blinking it’s green light. It was the WDTVLiveHub Mediaplayer. It was in standby and the last time I used it was to play files from the MyBookLive.

When I got the idea to switch off all things that are connected to the MyBookLive one by one the response on switching off the mediaplayer was immeadiate. I played music from the NAS on anothe player. But this stopped abrubtly when I swtiched the WDTV off. And the MyBookLive was forced into standby apparently because the blue light came up at once.

Very strange the these 2 are having this simmultaniuous behaviour! It must be twonky that ‘keeps them togehter’ in a matter of speaking.