Yesterday, after moving some data around I’ve checked the SMART values of my drive with CrystalDiskInfo (version 7.0.5) and was warned that the C5 - Current Pending Sector Count ‘raw’ value was higher than 0 (think it was 5 when I first noticed it). The current and worst column were both at 200.
I immediately checked how up to date my backup was and proceeded to make another backup of the important stuff. After backing up, and deleting some data I didn’t need, the C5 value raised to 11.
At this point I’ve checked around the WD support site and found the WD Data LifeGuard Diagnostics app and checked the SMART status with that. Here the checkmark in the SMART Status column is green and in the details everything is green aswell (Value of C5 is 200, worst is 200), judging by the help- text in the app these values seem ok?
Next I ran the quick- test diagnostic, which gave me an error (details later), so I’ve decided to let the extended test run over night.
Now, roughly 12 hours later the extended test finished and seemed to pass successfully. I re- ran the quick test, this still gives me an error. Lastly I’ve rechecked the smart values with both DLGDIAG and CrystalDiskInfo, in DLGDIAG everything still looks fine, strangely, in CrystalDiskInfo the C5 raw value is now also back to 0 and everything is ‘green’.
Has anyone ever encountered such a behaviour? Are there any other tools I could run to check the SMART values or other tests that could help me figure out whats wrong and if I should be replacing this drive? One thing, I’ll probably try is filling up the disk with some random data/zeroes and checking the SMART values again. Aside form that, I’m kind of unsure whether or not I should keep using that drive.
Here’s the output of the quick & extended test runs in DLGDIAG:
Model Number: WDC WD60EZRX-00MVLB1
Unit Serial Number: WD-(removed)
Firmware Number: 80.00A80
Capacity: 6001.18 GB
Test Result: PASS
Test Time: 14:39:28, July 21, 2017
Test Option: QUICK TEST
Model Number: WDC WD60EZRX-00MVLB1
Unit Serial Number: WD-(removed)
Firmware Number: 80.00A80
Capacity: 6001.18 GB
Test Result: FAIL
Test Error Code: 06-Quick Test on drive 4 did not complete! Status code = 03 (Fatal or unknown error), Failure Checkpoint = 98 (Unknown Test) SMART self-test did not complete on drive 4!
Test Time: 14:40:43, July 21, 2017