Software Update - Windows WD SmartWare version (10/21/10)

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WD Smartware Version 1.4.3.  After a solid week of trying to get the WD software to work on my Passport Essential 1 TerraByte drive, I have given up.  Four phone calls of over an hour each to Tech Support!  Net results: It doesn’t back up the large majority of my files, it doesn’t tell me that there were any problems during the backup, and it instead implies that it has done everything correctly with no errors.  If I was truly dependent on this software to have salvaged my files in the event of a PC crash, I would be in deep trouble right now.  The reps act like they don’t believe anything I tell them.  Their supervisor hung up on me when he said he would transfer me to Advanced Technical Support.

I am going to try and use Windows backup software.  If that doesn’t work, I am taking the drive back.

Username: dsherms

Notes: Complaining that a Tech Support supervisor hung up on him.

Contacted customer on the phone, issue was Smartware not backing up all files on computer.

Since customer has two users on Windows XP, the backup was created one user only. Furthermore, not all the files were backed up since the customer manually copied some of them to the C:\ drive and the Smartware doesn’t recognize files inside Windows folder due to a different file structure.

Adviced customer to run the backup on both users and transfer the remaining files to a supported folder structure (My Documents, Desktop, etc.) so the Smartware is able to recognize them.

Customer understood and will try the backups again and will contact us if any issue arrives.

Customer happy with the follow up.