Why do you add the -s 1 option?
Secure Erase Settings: This field specifies whether a secure erase should be performed as part of the format and the type of the secure erase operation. The erase applies to all user data, regardless of location (e.g., within an exposed LBA, within a cache, within deallocated LBAs, etc). Defaults to 0.
1 = User Data Erase: All user data shall be erased, contents of the user data after the erase is indeterminate (e.g., the user data may be zero filled, one filled, etc). The controller may perform a cryptographic erase when a User Data Erase is requested if all user data is encrypted.
Do you have an encrypted disk? If not then try removing the -s 1
One more thing, before you try to low-level format it, unmount the filesystem on the NMVe drive first.
Try this:
$ sudo unmount /dev/nvme0n1
$ sudo nvme format /dev/nvme0n1 --lbaf= 1 --reset
(See this posting for determining the correct device/namespace and LBA Format index number.)