Slow speeds on shuttle XL 24tb windows PC

Wondering if anyone can help me. I’m running a gigabtye x99 sli editing system with thunderbolt 3. 1080ti graphics.

I’m getting very slow transfer speeds to and from an internal ssd in my computer. To and from the red minimag reader to the shuttle, as well as from and to an external samsung t5 ssd.

From the red minimag it starts off around 400MB/s but only sustains this for a few seconds and immediately reduces to hover around 165 MB/s.

Transferring to/from an internal SSD is a similar situation, except the average was lower. Around 115MB/s.

External SSD wasnt much different.

Pretty sure current drivers are all installed. It works and has run reliably for months. But I am not getting the transfer or performance speed that is advertised.

I was hopong it was an issue with my editing station but when I ran it on my Dell Alienware r4 I encountered almost the exact same results.

Ita formatted NTFS raid 5. 6 4tb drives

Any advice / help is much appreciated.

Make sure there is nothing running in the Background Activities tab int he G-Speed Software Utility.

Did you leave the unit set as RAID5 like it was out of the box?

Try using some drive speed test software like AJA system test to see what #s you get from there.

Thanks for the response Rydia,
What should I potentially be looking for running in the background in software utility?

It’s set to RAID 5 but I reformatted it to NTFS for PC. Does it need to be EXFAT?

I’ll check out the AJA system test and see how I go.

Rydia, nothing running in the background on the activities tab. I downloaded AJA Results as follows:

Disk Test
Resolution: 4K RED HD
File Size : 1 GB
Codec : REDCODE (8:1)
Drive : D:/
Cache : Disabled
Video file: Movie

Disk Write Test
Number of frames = 744
Write rate = 61 frames/second
Write rate = 84 MB/second
Minimum rate = 17 MB/Sec
Maximum rate = 288 MB/Sec

Disk Read Test
Number of frames = 744
Write rate = 400 frames/second
Write rate = 550 MB/second
Minimum rate = 22 MB/Sec
Maximum rate = 1806 MB/Sec

That is definitely under the rate it should be going at. This is the speed from the Shuttle itself or the mini mag reader?

If it is the Shuttle then you should be getting closer to 800-900MB/s easily for both read and writes.

I would suggest calling in to our support so they can work with you directly. 888.426.5214 for US.

Yes that’s the speed on the RAID itself (not the minimag reader)
I’m in Australia. Will give them a call on Monday.
I sent an email weeks ago but no one got back to me.

Hey Dean did you end up getting this resolved? I am having a nearly identical issue. 70 MB/s write speed and 780 MB/s Read speed on G-speed shuttle xl thunderbolt 2.


I’d also love to hear if any of you got it working properly, since I’m experiencing a similar issue and nothing seems to help so far…