Recover data from a defective WDmyCloud

I have a quick question regarding my wd my cloud.
The plug from the case broke and being out of warranty I lost my data.
I’ve tried to open the case and connect the hard drive directly with a hard drive connector, but i guess I can’t access the data without the OS? Is there any way I could retrieve them? Perhaps trying to install ubuntu and try to boot from the hard drive?
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Thanks in adbance

Lots of various discussion in past threads on how to recover data from the My Cloud. Those threads can be found using the forum search, via the magnifying glass icon upper right.

Many methods involve removing the My Cloud hard drive and attaching it to a computer either via that computer’s SATA connection cable or by attaching the drive to an external USB hard drive or docking station that is attached to a computer. One can then use a Linux OS (or Windows OS with third party software to read Linux hard drives) to access and read the user data on the My Cloud hard drive.

One can use a Linux boot disc/live CD like the one from Ubuntu to boot their PC into Linux and access the drive contents.