Problem in WD5000AADS Caviar Green

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and now here i am again, new rma drive has just got the same problem

do these green drives have a manufacturing problem?

how do i get my money back as i dont want the 3 week wait i had last time to get a new drve that then fails again


DLGDIAG for Windows

Quick Test on drive 1 did not complete!
Status code = 07 (Failed read test element), Failure Checkpoint = 97 (Unknown Test)
SMART self-test did not complete on drive 1!


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dont know whether you can help me…but…the new drive for the rma…

well today when trying to backup from windows 7 to the new drice, which i do once a week. it failed with a crc error.

i then ran the diag program and got the following

DLGDIAG for Windows

Quick Test on drive 1 did not complete!
Status code = 07 (Failed read test element), Failure Checkpoint = 97 (Unknown Test)
SMART self-test did not complete on drive 1!


i ran the long test and that found errors that it then failed to repair.


i’m very very unhappy as these drives are clearly not reliable and i would like my money back or a different type of drive,

the blue drive i also have seems to be ok.

what do you think?



Username:  peterainbow

Note:  Posted and needs serious escalation.

Sent PM to customer