PR4100 Raid 1 to Raid 5

I have a MyCloud PR4100. I have been using only two bays with WD Red 4TB drives in a Raid 1. I purchased two more WD Red 4TB drives but before installing them one of the first two failed. I have installed the two new drives. So I have three drives installed.

Three Questions

Should I switch to a Raid 5?

Also if I switch do I have to backup everything then switch it to a Raid 5 then reinstall all the information?

I looked and it gives two options to switch to Raid 5. Either Switch to Raid 5, or Migrate to Raid 5?

Hi @bcinbody,

  • Please ensure to have a backup of the data before expanding the capacity. Normally, data will be retained. However, in the unlikely event of a power loss, or failed drive sector during the expansion process, RAID expansion could lead to a failure.

Please refer to the article Migrating or Upgrading a RAID 1 to a RAID 5 by Adding Drives to a My Cloud: