PR4100 DropBox app won't sync and needd help please

Hi All, I just setup the PR4100 and I am having problems with the DropBox app. I downloaded the Dropbox app through the dashboard interface, configured it and confirmed it was linked on Dropbox.I am running Windows 7.
However it started to sync once, stopped and will not sync now. I have taken the following steps:

  • Uninstall and reinstall app
  • Reboot PR4100
  • Reboot Windows
  • Turn app on and off
  • Confirmed all folders are checked on selective sync
  • Tried different sync intervals
  • Let it try to run overnight (twice)

When I turn the app on and off it will say it is syncing for awhile but doesn’t actually sync. The rest of the time if I hit the “sync now” button it will not start to sync.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated and thanks in advance.



This may or may not be the cause of your issue.

1 Like

I’m having the same issue and I get as far as the Authorize and setup but nothing afterwards.

I’ve upgrade to 3.0 and still nothing.

This worked for me!

